EVM, Inc. is a ministry devoted to the personal, emotional, spiritual, and professional health and growth of ministers, and to the health of their relationships with their spouses, families, and congregations.
As a ministry couple themselves, Carl and Valerie Addison began EVM in 2007 as they sensed the call of God on their lives to come alongside those serving in ministry. They understand the challenges and joys of serving the church, and are passionate about enabling ministers and their families to be healthy in the different relationships in which pastors must engage. Carl and Valerie believe that as ministers achieve greater effectiveness as leaders, they are best equipped to lead the church in accomplishing its mission of making disciples.
Dr. Carl Addison served as a pastor for nearly 30 years before becoming EVM’s executive director. He is an Anderson University graduate and earned his M.Div. from the Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry. After doing doctoral work at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Carl received his doctorate from Beason Divinity School at Samford University in Birmingham, AL with a focus on clergy marital health.
Carl has extensive training and experience in ministry coaching, including coaching for personal growth, spiritual formation, achieving goals, missional ministry, coaching according to various personal and psychological assessments, and coaching for married couples.
In addition, Carl has experience working with congregations and pastors to help them develop healthier relationships, as well as leading workshops focused on church health. Along with his wife, Valerie, EVM offers retreats and seminars for clergy couples as well as marital coaching for clergy.
Use the form below to contact Carl and Valerie for more information. If there is any way they can serve you, your congregation, or your organization, they’d love to hear from you!